The United Way workplace campaign is the easiest and most powerful impact you can have on our community. Whether it is the first time or the 20th, the tools below will help make it your easiest campaign yet. 

Please reach out to Dean Jardee via email at djardee@uwccmt.org or phone at 406-727-8671, to talk about your organization's campaign, to arrange for delivery of your campaign supplies, or to schedule someone to come talk to your employees about the work United Way and the nonprofits we fund are accomplishing in our community.


Click here to see a mock-up of what that could look like for your businesses.

  • United Way of Cascade County will create and host the web landing page.

  • You will be given a weekly report and an Excel spreadsheet at the end of the campaign.

  • The web landing page will be created within five business days of you completing this form.