United Way of Cascade County believes...
When a child succeeds in school, when a neighborhood improves, when families have good health and workers solid jobs — we all win. We connect people who want to help with nonprofits that are impacting our county. We are the one organization that looks to build the community as a whole
A little history
The idea of Cascade County businesses having one coordinated fundraising effort to mobilize resources for area nonprofits started here in the 1920s. It proved to be a win-win. Businesses and employees found it easy and convenient to have one targeted effort and nonprofits could focus their efforts on their missions instead of raising money. In 1969, the organization became known as United Fund of Cascade County and five years later we officially were named United Way of Cascade County.
Three universal goals
United Way has three universal goals — helping children achieve academic greatness, promoting financial stability and independence and helping families live healthier. All three are intertwined and together build a better community. Education is essential to getting and keeping a job with a livable wage and health benefits. A steady and adequate income creates stable families where kids can thrive. Access to quality healthcare keeps children on track in school and adults productive at work.
Along with directing donations to local nonprofits that are working on those goals, United Way of Cascade County is leading the way, bringing together teams of people and building its own initiatives, including efforts to help the homeless and to reduce the high school drop out rate.